Welcome to your
Daily Care Values Portal

Here you will find links to everything we explored in your Values Workshop. These are provided for you to return to at any time, refresh your knowledge, and continue developing and living the Daily Care Values to work even better together.

Value Characteristics

A Characteristic is a persistent feature or quality of a Value. Through Characteristics, we gain a deeper understanding of how to bring a Value to life through our behaviour.

The flip charts below capture your pair work on the following:

  • 3 Characteristics that you thought best aligned to the Value.

  • Identifying the features/qualities of each characteristic.

Action & Next Steps

Practice bringing the Values to life

  • Self - Does your behaviour align with the Characteristics of each Value?

  • Team - How can the team use the Characteristics in collaboration and decision-making?

  • Daily Care - How can you recognise each other when the Characteristics are being lived?
    Recognition feedback example: “The way you persevere with challenging tasks and projects is a great example of our Value ‘A Bit of Grit’. You are determined to deliver positive outcomes for our team and clients.”

Values Workshop Presentation

Refresh on what we covered in your workshop.

Brené Brown on Company Values

Brene Brown is a best-selling author and professor on leadership and has worked with numerous Fortune-500 companies on how to build teams that thrive.

“One reason we roll our eyes when people start talking about values is that everyone talks a big values game but very few people actually practice one. In our experience, only about 10 percent of organisations have operationalised their values into teachable and observable behaviors that are used to train their employees and hold people accountable.

Brené Brown

Read more from Brené on company values here.

Aligning to the Values and Characteristics

What do you do if you find yourself out of alignment with the Values and Characteristics or dropping your focus on them altogether?

Now that you’ve defined the Daily Care Values and Characteristics, you’re all set to bring them to life daily…right? That’s the intention, at least.

When starting something new, we typically have good intentions. However, as we practice integrating new behaviours into our daily routine, we can get caught up in tasks, time constraints, and priorities. This can lead us to revert to old behaviours, and Values can then become empty tag lines.

Watch the video to hear how Above the Line Mindset can help you live the Daily Care Values daily.

Reflection Questions

After watching the video, reflect and answer the questions below.

  • What does Below the Line look or sound like in relation to the Daily Care Values and Characteristics?

  • If you find yourself Below the Line, what action could you take to go Above the Line?

  • What regular Above the Line behaviour could you implement to maintain your commitment to living the Daily Care Values and Characteristics? e.g. Printing the Values to keep at your desk as a constant reminder, providing Values-based recognition feedback to colleagues etc.

All content in this portal is the property of Karen Williams & Co.
To reproduce the content in any form, you must have the direct written permission of Karen Williams.