“We can only influence the thinking and behaviour of others, when we know what it means to transform ourselves.” - Karen Williams.

Leading Self is the first level of The Leadership Excellence System™

At the core of Leadership Excellence is the ability to lead ourselves. It includes strong self-awareness, having a clear intention, knowing how to regulate our reactions in high-stakes moments and holding ourselves accountable for our actions and decisions. A person who leads themselves well can coach, empower others to achieve their goals and influence a range of personalities to contribute more to the success of their team and organisation. Ultimately, Leadership Excellence begins with a commitment to our own personal growth and development.


There are 4 levels in The Leadership Excellence System™. Each includes practical tools to develop your leadership, communication and influencing skills. Here’s how the 4 levels click together.


Below are your foundational tools for Leading Self


Identify your preferred and practiced communication style and how you can have more influence.

Are you Above or Below the line?

What’s the difference between Fixed & Growth Mindset?


Most of us learn from a young age that if we say all the right things and do all the right things, we will have the results and outcomes we truly want, and then we will BE the person, the leader, the success story we’re dreaming about or hoping for.

But focusing on the DOING keeps us stuck in the chase, because no matter how much we DO and HAVE, the feelings those wonderful things bring are often fleeting.

For example, think about the last shiny thing you bought, or the most recent words of recognition you received, or the last holiday you went on. It’s likely it felt very satisfying at the time, but the feeling quickly fades and we’re thinking to ourselves “what holiday?!”

The skill of fulfilment, and it is a skill, not a by-chance thing or a work-hard-at-it thing, that we think it is. The skill of fulfilment is built on the awareness that we are human beings. We are energetic, feeling, emotive beings, but when we get stuck focusing on the doing, we lose who we really are.

At the core, we all want to BE happy, BE fulfilled, BE…(insert your favourite word here). And we can be, but focusing only on the external world to bring us these feelings, leaves us reacting to the external world. Good things happen we feel good, bad things happen we feel bad.

But when we focus on cultivating our thoughts and feelings with intention we can create who we BE on purpose. Now we are back in the driver’s seat of our lives and our outcomes and results. We’re no longer chasing, now we are creating.

How to Jump off your Trigger Train


Quash Your Bad Habits by Knowing What Triggers Them

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To share or reproduce the content in any form, you must have the direct written permission of Karen Williams.