“I am enough” means, I can stop trying to control outcomes.

“I am enough” means, I can let go of trying to project-manage things, and people, and experiences into predictable boxes.

“I am enough” means, I can give up the exhausting and empty pursuit of earning and deserving.

“I am enough” means, I can show up, present, not knowing how it will turn out, but knowing I am.

“I am enough” means, I can stop bingeing.

“I am enough” means, I can choose stillness and hear what my body is telling me.

“I am enough” means, I can wait and trust.

“I am enough” means, I can honour my “No”, and delight in my “Hell Yeah”!

“I am enough” means, I can stop seeking approval outside of myself.

“I am enough” means, I can let go of feeling tense and stuck on the inside.

“I am enough” means, I am worthy of s p a c e.

Of being here now.
Of opening to life.
Of surrendering to the power of my passion,
knowing I can keep up without angst.

I am enough is my gift to myself,
that I choose to give for no good reason,
other than I was #bornworthy.

Want to take this further?


How Do I Let Go?


What Do I Need Right Now?