How Do I Let Go?

When women begin deepening their practice of self-love, they often ask me, “How? How do I let go?
How do I breathe into my body?
How do I trust what’s inside me?
How do I set healthy boundaries and honour them?”

These are great questions and are being asked because women want to create a deeper, more peaceful, loving and fulfilling connection with themselves and with those they love.

The best way I can respond (at least in this moment) for those looking for an explanation is this way…

We must create a conscious relationship with our bodies. Without this, we are trying to enrich our lives with the same approach that caused the disconnect in the first place – our minds.

So… We begin with noticing our breath.
It’s so simple we often discount it before we try. I know I did.

From there, we begin to choose to breathe a little more deeply.

Doing this ONE SIMPLE THING helps us to build a profound connection with our body.

We can breathe in this way sitting quietly for sure, but I also do it while I’m doing chores, while I’m driving, while I’m engaged in conversation.

Breathing deeply, with presence.

Breathing slowly and deeply on purpose allows us to begin feeling what’s happening INSIDE our body.

We mostly relate to our body from the OUTSIDE in, we exercise it, feed it, dress it, get things done with it, have pleasure with it. All necessary and fabulous, but when done unconsciously we keep ourselves disconnected from what’s within.

As we take the time to breathe deeply, noticing the very valuable and very subtle feelings inside our body, we begin to connect with our body from the inside out.

FROM THE INSIDE OUT. Yes, this is very important.

When we do this we gain a greater awareness of the feelings we are experiencing in any moment.

Because these feelings are our GOLDEN GATEWAY to understanding why something may not be working in our lives.

When we can FEEL how our body is responding in any moment, is it tense and contracting, is it open and relaxed, and we become passionately curious about why, we can ask ourselves new questions that bring new insights, openings and breakthroughs…

What is happening for me right now that I feel this tension?
What is this feeling of fear within me when I’m with this person?
Why does my body feel the need to hide/flee/overpower right now?

When we build trust in listening to and feeling our body and it’s responses, we begin making healthy choices for our lives guided by our inner wisdom.

Noticing how our body responds to our thoughts, our beliefs, what’s happening around us, the people in our sphere, the conversations we are involved in, the work we do, the relationships we have, is our access to sustainable, life-changing transformation.

Experiencing the deep wisdom within my body has been one of the most profound gifts in my life. It has allowed me to create a relationship with my body that is truly exciting, wildly fascinating and profoundly liberating. And I have only just begun!

The feelings we need to face to allow the shifts to occur can be so gut-wrenchingly raw and confronting that the temptation is to numb.

But with love, support, a like-minded community and deep trust we can surrender with courageous vulnerability and fall more deeply in love with the truth waiting within.

Want to take this further?


Listening is the Skill of Leadership


I Am Enough