Coaching & Leadership Resources
Can We Do Better Than "Any Questions?"
It leaves leaders bewildered when plans aren't executed, milestones are missed, and results are wanting. How could people not understand the well prepared, clearly articulated monologue you delivered?
Mistakes Leaders Make in Accountability Conversations: And What to do Instead.
Accountability is a mindset leader look for most in their people. Higher levels of ownership across the organisation so everyone's focused on the right things and resources are utilised efficiently.
Stuck in the Small Stuff
The small stuff can feel like relief, a sabbatical from the pressure of how to deal with the big stuff, especially when the big stuff is unclear or feels overwhelming - even though we know that staying in the small stuff is not the way to lead people into new levels of performance.
The Formula for Success with Teams
But if I break it down for you, these are the 3 things that, if you do them consistently over time, with the right intention and with integrity, you will see people transform their mindset, willingness to work together and ability to achieve a new goal right before your eyes.
What's Your Cultural Norm?
There is a 'normal' within your organisation that has been accepted and is adhered to, not through intention, but from shared habit. It's often a silent acceptance, but it keeps costly workarounds hidden and enables finger pointing at others for change.
The 3 Little Words of Leadership
To create a trust culture, a leader must do the work of self-reflection to understand what's missing in their skills, abilities, communication, understanding, management and leadership such that their team is not performing.
Men Mentoring Women
There are benefits on both sides when men mentor women" explains David Smith, author of Athena Rising: How and Why Men Should Mentor Women. For example, "women advance faster (and) men increase their interpersonal skills.”
Do You Have Communication Intelligence?
Communication Intelligence (CI) originally related to the quality of data captured from communication. But, for me, the term speaks directly to our skills and ability in what we bring to communication.
I've Been Jealous Before...
When we live from our hearts we have no interest in comparing ourselves to what anyone else is doing or what we think we should be doing. We let go our expectations and judgments of ourselves and others, and get on with creating in a way that inspires us from the inside out.
Middle Managers - The Daily Heroes
Bigger questions are being asked than we dared ask before, more demands are being made than we once considered ourselves worthy of making, and expectations are heightened beyond what we ever considered were fair to expect.
Are You Stuck in the Old Way?
But all of that belongs to the old way, the old paradigm of leadership.... and it's no longer enough to meet the outcomes that business, community and economies are forecasting and the practices people are seeking.
What Does a Bully Look Like?
That moment was a catalyst that catapulted me toward wanting to understand more deeply what made human beings tick, and the difference between what was going on inside a person to how they were perceived on the outside.
Cultural Change - Why Wait?
Neuroscience tells us that after the age of 35 we are 95% unconscious as we go about our day, living our lives based on a memorised set of behaviours, emotional reactions, habits, attitudes and beliefs.
Is Your Team Treading Water?
There's no denying busy is part of our day to day life, but if a busy mindset becomes a chronic condition, your team might look like they're moving when in fact they're comfortably treading water.
Being a Leader of Choice
As leaders, our job is to hold the light of the future, make it so bright and clear and compelling that our people want to give their absolute best, follow us into treacherous territory (if needed) and eventually take over the lead.
How to Not Need a Coach
If you've ever attempted to improve someone's performance by training them in a new skill or attitude, only to return the following week to find they've reverted back to doing things the way they always have, you'll know the frustration of focusing on the wrong thing.
What Men Want
Through coaching women and men in leadership for many years, I have learned that while there are significant differences between how we feel, how we process those feelings and how we connect, there are also significant similarities in what we seek and yearn.
EQ: The Trade of the Next Decade
If being self-aware and being masterful at self-management (the first two skills of EQ), relies on us being in-tune with how we feel, it’s obvious that the biggest barrier to self-awareness is our resistance to feelings.