Coaching & Leadership Resources
Create Leaders, Not Followers
Under pressure leaders find themselves firing off answers and solutions because it's quicker, and because they don't know why their people keep coming to them with the same problems.
What Happens When You Try To Live Up To Others' Expectations
In this short clip from our last Live Breakfast Event for Women in Leadership and Business of 2020, we explore where expectations come from and why we keep working to live up to them.
Will I Have a Job Tomorrow?
Leaders are expected to have all the answers, even when they don't. The best answer right now is one that provides certainty, even in the most uncertain circumstances.
Jump Off The Emotional Rollercoaster
When we don't know how to deal with our emotions in a healthy way we can get stuck on the emotional roller coaster. It's exhausting! Here are 3 things that will help you get off the emotional roller coaster and have the impact and influence you want to have.
How to Have Courageous Conversations
When it comes to having courageous and difficult conversations, most people either try to control them or avoid them altogether. But it's only because they haven't learned the 3 key steps to make these kind of conversations easy.
How To Engage Your Team Online
There are 3 things you can do to connect better online - one of them is to not take things personally - easier to say than do sometimes. Tune into this video to hear what you can do differently today to improve your online meetings.
It's OK To Not Be OK
Do you feel overwhelmed sometimes? It can happen when we're trying to push through all the things we feel responsible for, when what we actually need in that moment is a little space.
How to Not Feel Guilty About 'Me Time'
Many of us feel guilty for things we do or don't do - for taking time out for ourselves, for not doing more for others, for working while we think we should be parenting and vice versa.
How to Manage Our Emotions
In uncertain and challenging times our trigger points are closer to the surface, meaning we will react more quickly, more often and also with more charge.
What’s Your Leadership Style?
In this video I share how both of these styles are lacking in their ability to build the kind of trust and emotional safety that has people want to try new things, take risks and come up with new solutions.
How to Move Forward & Thrive
When a problem, crisis, trauma or significant event has occurred, we often want to help those we care about move on quickly, all with good intentions.
Creating United Teams
Many Senior Leadership Teams operate as a group of high performing individuals rather than a high performing team. Most are tolerating each other or cooperating at best.
How to have more self-awareness in meetings
That meeting we’re about to walk into, and just before we do we realise it’s the same meeting (aka people) that triggered us last time. These are the moments self-awareness really helps.
Work-Life Balance Left Me Bored
Work-life balance is a made up concept and a conversation we buy into because we think it's what we should be striving for. But to strive for balance, we first must believe we're out of balance, and I think that's where we set ourselves up for failure.
Get Comfortable
We know new results are found on the other side of our comfort zone, but this momentary feeling of relief reminded me how equally important surrender is to allowing in new thinking, new connection and new awareness.
Balancing the Grind
It took me a long time to discover that eating right, exercising and doing all the ‘right things’ isn’t enough to be well. I tried everything from raw food to hot yoga, from reducing my work hours from 14 to 7 hours per day, but I was still missing the most important ingredient.
I've Been Jealous Before...
When we live from our hearts we have no interest in comparing ourselves to what anyone else is doing or what we think we should be doing. We let go our expectations and judgments of ourselves and others, and get on with creating in a way that inspires us from the inside out.
Less Mask : More Mirror
Every person you meet is hiding behind some kind of mask. Hiding pieces of themselves they don't want you to see. A part of their identity they've decided won't be liked, accepted or welcomed by you or the tribe they want to belong to.