Coaching & Leadership Resources
Compassion Builds, Judgement Breaks
Holding people accountable to their responsibilities, commitments and agreed expectations, does not require force, coercion, dominance or pleading. It does not require control, manipulation or hours of procrastination.
The Missing Piece
I have the privilege of speaking quite often with men about vulnerability. Men who have achieved a level of success in their lives, who are enjoying the fruits of their labour. Though, silently, not quite as much as they once did.
Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
At some point in the leadership journey, most leaders realise they need help refining their ‘people skills’, but many are reluctant, or bury themselves in denial.
Behavioural Training Doesn’t Work
The reason stand alone behavioural training workshops don’t really train is that they don’t undo the three, four or more decades of conditioning we’ve been exposed to.
Young Women In Leadership
Learning from a young age not to stand out, that the world appreciates her more when she’s nice. Caring more about how others see her, than how she sees herself.
How Does Your Ego Play Out?
When leaders drive their teams toward a result, without concerning themselves with how that result is being achieved, the damage to be rectified long after the result has been forgotten, is costly to everyone.
The Desire Within
When people turn up to work every day, they come with everything that’s made them who they are to this point. Their triumphs and victories, their failures and pain points.
The Perfect Leadership Cocktail
Suspecting the business needs us to change to inspire stronger performance, makes no difference if we aren’t willing to let go of our silent judgements and opinions of our people.
Your Environment is Stronger Than Your Willpower
No matter how transformational the coaching, UNLESS the environment makes a shift to support the positive growth, the new thinking and behaviour will eventually shrink back to some version of what it was before.
Unlocking Buried Treasure
Leaders often focus on changing behaviour. What seems like laziness or is measured as disengagement is more the byproduct than the cause. Being curious about what’s driving the behaviour is critical to sustaining change.
Vulnerability is the Doorway to Trust
Vulnerability is the doorway to trust, deeper engagement, inspired and interdependent collaboration and expanded contribution to results. With engagement at work in Australia at 24%, according to Gallup, it's clear business is missing opportunities.
High Performance Teams
Leaders who excel at driving results, often drive their people the same way. That’s how they work. But it can have a polarising effect, motivating some and completely disempowering others.
Connect, Communicate and Empower
Leaders must be supported to invest time and interest in building relationships with their people, long before difficulty arises. Encouraged to look beyond personalities and problems to connect, communicate and empower with awareness and emotional maturity.
Emotional Intelligence is…..
EQ allows us to realise that none of us are perfect, that we’re more often concerned with ourselves than each other, and as human beings we’re more the same than different.
Full Minds
Mindfulness is bringing our ‘full minds’ to what we’re doing. Not our distracted minds, not our blaming minds, not our justifying minds. Our full minds. You know how it feels when someone is really listening to you.
Clarity is Key
If you want your managers to hold people accountable to results, in a way that creates empowered, solution focused high-performers, you need to hold your managers accountable in the same way first.