Coaching & Leadership Resources
How to Manage Our Emotions
In uncertain and challenging times our trigger points are closer to the surface, meaning we will react more quickly, more often and also with more charge.
What’s Your Leadership Style?
In this video I share how both of these styles are lacking in their ability to build the kind of trust and emotional safety that has people want to try new things, take risks and come up with new solutions.
How to Move Forward & Thrive
When a problem, crisis, trauma or significant event has occurred, we often want to help those we care about move on quickly, all with good intentions.
Taking Care of Our People
In these unprecedented and uncertain times, it's natural to feel a range of powerful and sometimes all-consuming emotions - fear, grief, anger, confusion, blame, judgment, sadness and despair.
Creating United Teams
Many Senior Leadership Teams operate as a group of high performing individuals rather than a high performing team. Most are tolerating each other or cooperating at best.
How to have more self-awareness in meetings
That meeting we’re about to walk into, and just before we do we realise it’s the same meeting (aka people) that triggered us last time. These are the moments self-awareness really helps.
Work-Life Balance Left Me Bored
Work-life balance is a made up concept and a conversation we buy into because we think it's what we should be striving for. But to strive for balance, we first must believe we're out of balance, and I think that's where we set ourselves up for failure.
How Do You Say Thank You?
How do I say thank you? How in the world do I express my infinite appreciation and deep gratitude for the trust my clients give me, for their willingness to keep showing up with courage and openness?
Get Comfortable
We know new results are found on the other side of our comfort zone, but this momentary feeling of relief reminded me how equally important surrender is to allowing in new thinking, new connection and new awareness.
Keeping People Focused
When we're focused on fixing a problem, we limit ourselves to the problem - it's the same paradigm of thinking. In this state, we're attempting to push the past away but without realising it, we drag it along with us.
Balancing the Grind
It took me a long time to discover that eating right, exercising and doing all the ‘right things’ isn’t enough to be well. I tried everything from raw food to hot yoga, from reducing my work hours from 14 to 7 hours per day, but I was still missing the most important ingredient.
Can We Do Better Than "Any Questions?"
It leaves leaders bewildered when plans aren't executed, milestones are missed, and results are wanting. How could people not understand the well prepared, clearly articulated monologue you delivered?
Mistakes Leaders Make in Accountability Conversations: And What to do Instead.
Accountability is a mindset leader look for most in their people. Higher levels of ownership across the organisation so everyone's focused on the right things and resources are utilised efficiently.
Stuck in the Small Stuff
The small stuff can feel like relief, a sabbatical from the pressure of how to deal with the big stuff, especially when the big stuff is unclear or feels overwhelming - even though we know that staying in the small stuff is not the way to lead people into new levels of performance.
The Formula for Success with Teams
But if I break it down for you, these are the 3 things that, if you do them consistently over time, with the right intention and with integrity, you will see people transform their mindset, willingness to work together and ability to achieve a new goal right before your eyes.
What's Your Cultural Norm?
There is a 'normal' within your organisation that has been accepted and is adhered to, not through intention, but from shared habit. It's often a silent acceptance, but it keeps costly workarounds hidden and enables finger pointing at others for change.
The 3 Little Words of Leadership
To create a trust culture, a leader must do the work of self-reflection to understand what's missing in their skills, abilities, communication, understanding, management and leadership such that their team is not performing.
Men Mentoring Women
There are benefits on both sides when men mentor women" explains David Smith, author of Athena Rising: How and Why Men Should Mentor Women. For example, "women advance faster (and) men increase their interpersonal skills.”